lunedì 30 agosto 2010

Esposizione RivoluzionArte

Opere d’avanguardia che invitano alla discussione, presentando gli orizzonti poetici dell'arte ceramica nel panorama contemporaneo.
Un percorso che parte da Parigi per proseguire attraverso altre prestigiose mete europee verso la Polonia, dove, da Gennaio a Marzo 2011, la mostra sarà ospitata presso la Galleria Nazionale di Danzica - diretta da Wojciech Bonislawski – per seguitare poi in Umbria.
In occasione dell’appuntamento di Danzica, sarà inoltre firmato il primo manifesto ufficiale del Gruppo.
Il progetto è stato concepito come una Mostra Itinerante che toccherà alcune fra le principali città europee ed extra europee nei prossimi tre anni.
La scelta di partire da Parigi non è casuale, in quanto nello stesso periodo la capitale francese ospiterà un grande Forum mondiale sulla ceramica e le sue evoluzioni.

Saranno esposte le opere di dodici artisti italiani e internazionali che rappresentano una molteplicità di riflessioni sulla ricerca e sull’innovazione dell’Arte Ceramica, in una vera e propria investigazione creativo-sperimentale: il Gruppo, guidato da Nicola Boccini, in questa occasione presenterà quattro nuove tecniche /r/ivoluzionarie, due delle quali hanno trovato applicazione nelle creazioni di moda delle due stiliste ospiti d’onore della mostra, che hanno accettato di confrontarsi con queste forme di sperimentazione.

Con quest’evento si vuole offrire un contributo speciale alla conoscenza dell’arte ceramica e alla sua millenaria storia, mostrando soprattutto l’evoluzione delle tecniche sperimentali e delle ricerche estetiche sviluppate dagli artisti del CLS - Ceramica Libera Sperimentale - e dalla Scuola d’Arte Ceramica Romano Ranieri di Deruta. Ricerche che in questi ultimi anni hanno permesso di raggiungere un’espressione alternativa, libera da canoni e da convenzioni tradizionali.

Nicola Boccini, Direttore Artistico del Gruppo e ideatore della mostra stessa, dichiara: “Un radicale cambiamento del modo di concepire l’arte ceramica, nel tentativo di esplicare un momento di riflessione personale in positivo, usando il linguaggio universale delle emozioni che si palesano attraverso le forme, le tecniche ed i colori dell´arte”.

Alle ore 18.00 di Giovedì 2 Settembre 2010 si inaugura presso la galleria d’arte “Selective Art” di Parigi – diretta da Mario Rizzardo e Gabriella Artoni - la mostra d’arte contemporanea “Evolution Art Revolution” con la presenza di tutti gli artisti.
Evolution Art Revolution - a new frontier in Ceramic Art

Starting Sept. 2, 2010 in Paris, then on tour around the world until 2014

This event is meant to be an earthquake for (Italian) art and artistic ceramics, a powerful and meaningful attempt to change the course of its currently uneventful history – we’re open for discussion on this statement. Send in your comments!
We received the press release of the exhibition a few weeks ago from Nicola Boccini, founder of the CLS (Free Experimental Ceramics Association) and the creator of this extraordinary event. We grasped that something important was going on and we refused to publish it as is, meaning without first hand info and more clues on what the revolution was.
Yesterday we had a long talk with Nicola Boccini. Now we are definitely ready to tell you all about Evolution art /r/evolution.

The exhibitionIt’s an avant-garde multi-media event featuring the works of twelve International ceramic artists (the Group) who have challenged the limits of the medium. Their Art is experimental and their works are the end result of sophisticated investigations on new techniques, shapes and materials.
What is the /r/evolution about?

Experimentalism and new technology go hand in hand in the work of the artists. Once crossed the borders of Aesthetics to explore materials and techniques with an open minded enthusiasm and creativity, the results can be stunning and actually surpass the limits of Art for Art’s sake and land straight in the area of design, high tech and (surprise!) mass market.
Indeed, the Group led by Nicola Boccini will present four new /r/evolutionary techniques that will impact the way we think about ceramics.

Nicola likes to start his list of new techniques from those that have already found an experimental application in fashion. Two fashion designers have accepted the challenge and worked side by side with the Group to create objects made with their innovative materials.
#1 – Fluorescent ceramicGaia Pace, a former Gianfranco Ferré and Christian Dior fashion designer now running her own business, has designed and hand sewn an evening dress entirely made of thin layers of a special fluorescent ceramic. Beautiful under daylight, it’s really breathtaking in the dark. Models and actresses will wear it during the art exhibition tour.

#2 – Porcelain & light Alisa Dumas, the pseudonym of an industrial designer working with global fashion brands, has designed porcelain evening bags. They are lightened from within and they are even rechargeable!

#3 – Porcelain just like majolica (porcellana maiolicata)The Group will present a new technology that makes it possible to apply on porcelain the same decoration techniques now used on earthenware. Two porcelain panels will be displayed, where Maestro Romano Ranieri has painted traditional designs, that – until now – can normally be painted on red or white biscotto only, because of their color palette, shades and chiaroscuro effects.

#4 – Porcelain veinsThe veins of Boccini’s porcelain panels are made with thin metal wires, that sparkle with light or bring heat in the artwork, but promise also to become innovative products in the hands of industrial design companies.
The GroupGiuseppe Agamennone, Nicola Boccini, Ricky Boscarino, Francky Criquet, Marino Ficola, Przemyslaw Lasak, Pierluigi Pompei, Romano Ranieri, David Roberts, Malgosia Turlo, and two fashion designers GaiaPace and Alisa Dumas.
A long journey…The exhibition ideally starts from Deruta, the place where Boccini and other artists of the Group live and work, where the CLS was founded, where so many contributions have been made to the history of ceramics. It’s not a coincidence that the URL of the event website is, the cip code of Deruta.
The grand opening will be in Paris at the “Selective Art” gallery on Sept. 2. Synergies are expected with the upcoming 44th General Assembly of the International Academy of Ceramics (AIC) that will start on Sept. 13th, with the theme “Territories in Movement”.
Then the exhibition will move to the National Gallery of Gdansk, in Poland, from January to March 2011 (curator Wojciech Bonislawski). The artists are currently planning to run some multi-media experiments with ceramics (theatre, music, ?) near the Green Gate.

On January 20th 2011, in Gdansk, the Group will sign their official “MANIFESTO”. The expectation is very high: we can’t wait to read it!
Next, the exhibition will hopefully be hosted in Umbria, before a long journey around the world that is still to be defined in its details. Will it ever come back to Deruta? We do hope so. It would mean that the town is ready to move ahead, following the /r/evolutionary paths suggested by the Group to go for a real re-foundation of the Derura pottery making culture and economy…
Nicola is very excited about this great event, and rightly so. It’s still very much under construction, yet it promises to be a hit.As he puts it, it’s “a radical change in the way of understanding art pottery, an attempt to unfold a personal moment of reflection in positive, using the universal language of emotions that are revealed through forms, techniques and colors of art. ”

We’ll keep our readers posted on the development of the exhibition. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Contacts with Galleries and Museums are also welcome.
Official Web Site: www.06053.itPress:

From Sept. 2ndSelective Art Gallery57 Quai des Grands AugustinsParis, Franceparis@selective-art

From January 20th, 2011National Gallery of Gdansk (Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku)Oddział Sztuki Dawnejul. Toruńska 1, (Green Gate)Gdansk,